Ancestors 1939

 Genealogy (english)

Descendant Steinwachs

Ancestors of my children

(both provides with PAF)


Derivation of Steinwachs´ Name

Ancestor research 1939 of  Max Steinwachs

Census Hoexter 1700




















































































































automatically translated :

Recordings of Max Steinwachs (Geneva/1939).

The author (Max Steinwachs) did not note itself exactly in his recordings. It might concern however the son of the Friedrich Steinwachs with the Anna Schaffanger. This is to have been juwelier in Geneva.
Furthermore the excerpts from documents, church book copies and the descendant boards, mentioned in the text, are not unfortunately in my possession (still available? Where?).

F A M I L I E N   S T E I N W A C H S

The following recordings are from Max Steinwachs, Geneva, Switzerland, the copies from the church books of the different localities, received after:
Goettingen, ev. luth. Office for church book, pc. Marien,
St. Crucis,
St. Johannis,
St. Albani
St. Jacobi
Goettingen, Goettinger citizen book, of Dr. jur. Meyemann
Hildesheim, ev. luth. Office for town church, pc. Lamberti
Hildesheim, Bischhoefliches Generalvikariat
Installation-hit a corner, ev. luth. Office for church book, pc. Mariae,
St. Jacobi
St. Alexandri
Lamspringe, message of the Cantorats Lamspringe concerning, by CAN gate Joh. Heinrich Andreas, 1827
Lamspringe, ev. luth. Municipality Lamspringe - documents in public records Hanover, No. H. A 74 Alfeld HB II 24 No. 6, Lamspringe, new yard & Woellersheim grazed
Kathol. Pfarrgemeinde Lamspringe, by kath. Office for church book Diozoese Hildesheim
Fredelsloh in the being, ev. luth. Church book
Lutter to ingot mountains, ev. luth. Church municipality
Bodenstein with lutter (Mahlum), ev. luth. Church municipality
Riga (Livland) cathedral Petri, baptizing book 1753-1800, baptizing book 1801-1820,
Trusting book 1712-1842,
Dead book 1756-1793,
Ratsprotocolle 1804,
House book, Buergeroklad 1811, 1816, 1834,
Gildenregister 1812
Kassel, residents' registration office
Cologne, residents' registration office

These excerpts were supplied in the years 1935 to 1939, partially completely and literally as in the documents registered, also with the names of the godfathers etc., if such were registered in the registers. Such data permit sometimes completely interesting conclusions.
That during a marriage its carrying in Goettingen, pc. Marien is missing, to 23.8.1760 the name of the bridegroom, to the freely left place a later hand a question mark is mentioned set. During a baptizing entry in the church book Lamspringe to 29.6.1756 stands among other things the CAN gate Uxor with a young Soehnlein was lucky relieved, and the names of the 5 godfathers. However the names of father and nut/mother are missing. The name of the father could be determined by a book over: Cantorat in Lamspringe. In this year, until 1775, was CAN gate = Johann George stone wax. In public records in Hanover, over the bearing in Lamspringe, new yard, to Woellersheim in the circle Alfeld, was found the same birth later, with indication of the father: CAN gate Steinwachs, together with the same godfathers as notes in Lamspringe. Probably that has CAN gate, or minister, which entry made, which names forget, but for Alfeld the announcement correctly with the name of the father executed.
A surely consciously wrong age indication was also discovered: Katharina Maria Michaelis, verwittwete Tralow, has itself to 2. Times marries in Wittstock (Dosse) at the 1.9.1795. Her 2. Husband, Gottfried Meienberg, is registered, 25 years old, the wife 30 year. But its birth and baptizing entry in Wittstock announce: born 7.7.1762. Therefore was Maria Michaelis at their 2. Wedding days 33 years, 2 months old, thus by 3 years made itself younger, in order to reduce the disparity in age.

From the church books usually all entries copied concerning the stone wax, in the desired time periods, not only the direct ancestors and descendants. This loaded the following lists and will let it appear unclear in the first moment. Is best to break open during reading the descendant boards.
One finds individual persons and families, over whose origin and the further whereabouts still nothing was found. However by the names of the godfathers, the first names of the children, indication of parents of the bride people, also by the death entry distorting shank between the families was determined partially as safe, partially as very probable.

As domiciles were determined documentary, between the years 1676 to 1800:
Goettingen 1676 - 1847
Installation-hit a corner 1717 - 1792
Hildesheim 1764 - 1779
Lamspringe 1751 - 1923
Fredelsloh 1780 - 1935
Uslar 1792
Suelbeck with Stoeckheim 1747
From 1800 on the domiciles are in many places, to a large extent into landing Braunschweig, Hanover and Hessen, some in Thuringia, Saxonia, bathing, Elsass and Rhine country
Few emigrated, returned after Riga, but, and to north and South America, to Switzerland.

Yet documentary proven fuehere domiciles are not mentioned: Benzhausen in Hennebergi, Schmalkalden 1666, Oberufhausen in the circle Huenfeld 1750, calibration field in Thuringia, Wollmershausen with Goettingen, in Kassel were found on the residents' registration office in the year 1936 against 30 names Steinwachs, of it a part native from Oberufhausen.
In summary: Domiciles from 1676 to 1800 in Thuringia, southern Hanover, Braunschweig and Hessen.

After a report of the old-catholic city minister petrol stone wax in Mannheim from the year 1934, is its family after verbal excessive quantity of cure country, the Baltic, moves to Thuringia, from there to Schmalkalden, and then to Oberufhausen, circle Huenfeld, Hessen. The origin from the cure country is certainly possible, must be accepted however nevertheless with much restraint, as long as no documents are present. Like verbal excessive quantities to spread we can see a large mistake at the following:
Still in the year 1934 the major general Adolf Steinwachs wrote the city minister petrol Steinwachs mentioned above among other things: "we children knew only from our family Steinwachs that we Russian descent would be, of name cousins nothing at all, etc.." To guendlicher investigation in Riga, Livland, came the copies of the documents from church books, Ratsprotocolle, Gildenregister, which resulted in a very clear picture of the origin:
Johann Justus Tobias Steinwachs, geb. 31,3,1774 too installation-hit a corner, has itself already to 14.1.1795 too installation-hit a corner married, 2 children from this marriage (with marrying these children as a father one mentioned). It seems to have lost its first wife early. When he came to Riga, we do not know yet. But to 2.7.1803 it asks, brings for distribution of the citizen right in Riga the proof of its origin, its training as a buyer with Haake in Celle, etc.. To 15.7.1804 it is recognized the citizen right of gosser gilde able, marries themselves to 17.7.1804 with the daughter of the buyer chopping man, the first 4 children is born in Riga, still the year ago 1815 or 1816 leaves it Riga and moves first to Karlsruhe, then to Baden-Baden, apparent as a very wealthy man. Parents and grandparents of this Johann Justus Tobias stone wax could then in installation-hit a corner by documents to be determined. After all appearance the still older ancestors of this family originate from Goettingen.
Thus the "Russian origin" is a mistake, it was only a temporary stay in Riga of approximately 16 years. In installation-hit a corner lived it still with his first wife until 1798 and around 1815-1816 was it with family of the second marriage in Karlsruhe.

The schreibart of the name was in all documents Steinwachs, with exception of: Goettingen, 8,11,1714, marriage of the Johann Andreas Steinwax, with the baptism of its three first children 1715.1722.1724 likewise Steinwax, with the baptism of senes 4. Child 1731 and with its death in the year 1763 = Steinwachs.
Furthermore in lutter to ingot mountains Johann Heinrich Arend Steinwachs different marks with of the Steinbach's registered with baptism children: 1817, 1818, 1820, also godfather and patin are written Steinbach. In 6 other entries in the same register the name was written = Steinwachs. Also its wife is represented in 4 different schreibarten with baptism and Konfirmation: 1817, 1818, 1820, 1821, 1842 with the name Barse, 1824, 1826 = pair, 1824 = Barsch, and 1829 = bars. A mistake with other persons is impossible, since both spouses with their first names are registered always. The minister or Kantor has anyhow the names written like he her understood.
Also mistakes could often be determined concerning the age, because one noted in the registers of deaths in former times usually: .......Jahre.......Monate........Tage old. The indication of the date of birth was missing. There one probably sometimes charged oneself, or the relatives of the deceased did not know date of birth exactly.
With the excerpts perhaps also error will occur, because the handwriting in the old church books is often with difficulty legible.

The documents call often the occupation, one find among the aeltest well-known persons:
in Goettingen and installation-hit a corner: 1684 Pulvermacher, 1678 stone-cutter, 1683 soldier, 1715 soldier, 1733 to 1792 Knopfmacher, 1750 garden man, 1764 cutters, 1795 buyer.
in Lamspringe: 1755 CAN gate, 1780 Knopfmacher, 1816 shoemakers.
in Fredelsloh: 1780 shoemakers
From 1800 to the present one finds in the different lines: Mueller, Zimmermann, Schneider, Buchbinder, Gastwirt, Hausschaechter, Gaertner, Dekorateur, Zigarrenfabrikant, Zigarrenhandel, Lakiermeister, Maler, Goldschmied, engraver, silver Silberschmied, buyer, student medicine, teacher, secretary, engineer, minister evang. luth., ministers Roman kath., minister Altkath., Unterfeldmeister, captain, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general.
After this list those are not Steinwachs since 1678 farmer sex. Here and there the craftsmen, restaurant operators/barkeepers in the villages and towns kept, also cattle possessed to something garden and field, but more than additional occupation. They nevertheless predominantly worked a little in the restaurant operator/barkeeper shank, market garden in handicraft and arts and crafts, as buyers, selected partially the military occupation and also the religious in the three denominations. The scientific career seems to tighten only the growing up generation. But the musical occupations are missing.
Are subsequently, the occupations registers the Lienien stone wax = Goettingen - installation-hit a corner - Riga - Baden-Baden.


A.) Line Lamspringe - Hanover, originally evang. luth., by marriage since 1781 roem. catholic

B.) Probably expired to line in the man trunk

C.) Line Lamspringe - Fredelsloh - bodenstein/lutter

The investigations to end of the yearly 1938 led partially after Lamspringe. There around 1750 three families Steinwachs were found, over whose verwandschaftlichen connection to today the certainty is missing.

A.) Justus Steinwachs, married with Bieling, inherited a house in the year 1780, in the today's Adolf Hitler STR. No. 5. house land register No. 4, this house had in former times Braugerechtsame. The oldest determined owner was Mstr. Henrich light TIG in the year 1693. The following owner, bricklayer Dominikus barrier man, married with light TIG, inherited the house 1728. Then Andreas Bieling, married with barrier man, inherited 1754. Now 1780 as an inheritance Justus stone wax followed, married with Bieling. All following 7 owners carry the name stone wax, until 1923, since today's owner is bricklayer master William sour, married with Minna stone wax.
This house today always changed over thus since 1693 until to sons-in-law, sons or brothers hereditary. A son of the Justus Steinwachs was August Ludwig Steinwachs, Knopfmacher, evang. luth., which married itself to 1.7.1781 in Lamspringe with Veronika Bieling, roem. kath.. 7 children issued to this marriage and formed now a catholic line, by which a ziehmlich complete descendant board was set up. The data follow in other place. B.) George Christoph Steinwachs, geb. around 17.11.1723 (?), marries with Cath. Marg. Hennies, 3 children: Johann Andreas, Johanna Catharina and Maria Christina George Christoph Steinwachs had a house in the year 1751 inherited in the today's Adolf Hitler STR. No. 35. land register No. 30. The former two owners of house were Andreas Hennies, 1709, and Heinrich Hennies, 1688. The house in the year 1777 sold at Joh. Heinrich Eikemeier. ("Eikemeier bought its cousin house.") One can probably assume that the 1752 born son died or twisted. Probably this line in the man trunk expired. In public records Hanover, hectar, 74, Alfeld H B II 24 Nr.6, listings of the bearing in Lamspringe of 1690-1766: 1754 NR. 9: George Christoph Steinwachs. Child: Joh. Katharine, Geb. 22.V.1754, Morg. 4. Baptized 25.V., gestorb. 11.2.1839. Gevattern: Mrs. Windhausen out installation-hit a corner, Hennigs woman. 1756 Nr.9: Mstr. George Christoph Steinwachs. Child: Marie Christine, geb. 17 July at night, baptized 20 July. Gevattern: Mstr. cracking RTS Mrs., Gerhard of hair Mrs., Mstr. J. Wilh. RAM mountain the first child: Joh. Andreas, geb. 17,9,1752 to Lamspringe is not mentioned in Hanover. If no mistake is present with the marriage date 2,2,1751 (2) to Lamspringe, then one could assume that George Christoph stone wax, geb. 8,10,1724 to Goettingen first after installation-hit a corner moves is, after the death of his first Mrs. Anna Marie wind living, died 8,4,1751 in installation-hit a corner, after Lamspringe twisted. It is nevertheless strange that with the second child wind living out installation-hit a corner as Gevatter comes. Strangely also that the Kantor Johann George Steinwachs is married with a Kistner, and the Knopfmacher Johann Augustus stone wax, resident in installation-hit a corner, had also as a first woman a Kistner. Thus continue to look for whether the Kistner from Lamspringe perhaps are, and the stone wax (3) in Lamspringe from the lines installation-hit a corner and Goettingen comes.   C.) Johann George stone wax, CAN gate in Lamspringe, in Lamspringe since 1750-1751, was selected 1755 to the CAN gate and frightened 1775 of its service. Married with Johanne farm servant. Kistner, 4 children 1st geb 1747 in Suelbeck, 2. Johanne Carolina Christian. Charlotte, geb. 08,02,1750 in Suelbeck 3. Catharina Magdalena, geb. 17,12,1752 in Lamspringe 4. Carl Andreas, geb. 29,06,1756 in Lamspringe place of birth, date of birth, marriage of the spouses Steinwachs - Kistner, as well as names and residence their parents were not found until 1939. The first church-official entry of this family is in the register of deaths ev. luth. Municipality in Lamspringe, class 1751, page 169, No. 921st = "Johanna Carolina Scharlotte stone wax, died in Lamspringe on 6 October 1751, bury on 8.10.. Old 1 year 8 months less 2 days. Parents: Cantoris Steinwachs, nut/mother not indicated. Note: so 1750 the 8. Fbruar in the morning "between 6-7 to Suelbeck born." Unfortunately are the church books of Suelbeckbei Stoeckheim, circle installation-hit a corner, (in former times to the office salt the hero) the year ago 1789 burned, so that no official documents can be issued. It is however a small, remained remaining alphabetical listing present, in it is the following data, according to which 2 children are born: Stone wax, Joh. geo. Johanne farm servant. Kistner -- 1747, No. 13, 1750, No. 9 besides can be mentioned that in installation-hit a corner the Knopfmacher Augustus Steinwachs, geb. around 1717, in first marriage was married with Ilse Marg. Kistner. Marriage sort and Datum not yet found, but 6 children born too installation-hit a corner between 1741-1755. This woman died to 4.3.1759 too installation-hits a corner, 48 years old, therefore born around 1711, approximately 6 years older than their husband. It is possible the fact that both stone wax brothers or cousins, both Kistner sisters or Basen was, and both families in the proximity of installation-hit a corner and Goettingen lived. Second kirchl. Entry is 1752, page 1004, NR. 1044, Lamspringe, birth of the Catharina Magdalena stone wax, baptized to 17.12.1752, 20.12.1752. Parents: Cantoris Steinwachs, nut/mother with names not mentioned, godfathers: Mr. mayor Johann Juergen Kelb's Mrs., Mr. Johann Jobst Prenzlers Mrs., Heinrich Christoph Breier, Johann Christian Philips. The third entry is class 1756, page 1012, No. 62, which became 29 June at noon between 11 and 12 o'clock the CAN gate Uxor with a young Soehnlein lucky relieved, which was baptized 1 July. Gevattern were Mr. Pastor Rath, Mr. Dannenberg, Mr. mayor Arnecken, Andr. Niesmans Uxor and the junior Knoepfels Uxor. The Soehnlein is Carl Andreas genandt which God Weish. older and grace in Munda et caele........(letztes word illegibly) it is missing the names of father and nut/mother of the Taeuflings. But in public records Hanover, file reference hectar of 74 Alfeld HB II 24 No. 6 = listing of the bearing in Lamspringe, new yard and Woellersheim are literal the following entries, 1752 No. 26 Kantor stone wax. Child: Katharine Magdalene born 17.XII 1752 night 10th baptized 20. XII. died 20. III. 1834. Gevattern: H. Buergermstr. Kelbs Mrs., Joh. Jobst Prenzlers Mrs., Heinrich Christoph Breier, Joh. Christian Philips's 1756 No. 8 Kantor stone wax, child: Carl Andreas, born 29.VI.1756 along 11, baptized 1.VII. Gevattern: H. Minister Rath, H. Dannenberg, H. mayor Arnecke, Andreas Niesmans Mrs., Koepfels June. Mrs. Man may assume that the entry in Lamspringe was made by the minister Rath or by the CAN gate Steinwachs to indicate the surnames has one forgotten. But the birth registration after Alfeld was drawn up in the correct form. To be mentioned the unfortunately also following from the "messages of the Cantorats Lamspringe" must concerning, noted of CAN gate Joh. Heinrich Ludwig Andreas, 1827. CAN gate 4. = Johann George stone wax, selected 1755. It was suspended 1772 on a whole year because of drunkennessness. 1775 it was frightened completely its service. Its predecessor in office, CAN gate 3, Andreas Twelen, selected 1699, died to 19.3.1750. Steinwachs was since 1750 in Lamspringe, he nevertheless to 6.10.1751 as CAN gate is probably already called. Official Bestallungs - documents were so far not found. House possession does not have it in Lamspringe have over the his whereabouts and death to be missing the data, also over its wife and in the year 1747 the child born in Suelbeck, whose first name we also not.